The Peru-Aid exists 24 years now

To share with each other - To learn from each other - To act for each other.

The relief organisation was founded after a visit to Peru in 1989. We not only gazed at the country's sights but also we saw the social conditions in Lima. This circumstance has touched me deeply and I decided to do something. But I still had no clear idea how to help in the right way and how much energy I would need for that.

Today I am convinced that a pilgrimage of six days, 300 kilometres long, through Portugal from Ponte de Lima to Fatima, under fasting, for the children of Peru has shown me my way in the future. In 1989 we visited Peru for a second time. We handed over a donation to the Ursulines, so that they were able to built new rabbit hutches and henhouses as well as to cover the further upbringing of these animals in the school San Jose. It was also thought to be used to improve the pupils's nutrition.

From then on everything went step by step. I got to know a lot of people, among these was Dr. Adrian Ramirez Vega who had studied in Bonn and now is the chief physician of the Hospital del Nino. In a short period of time the first medical relief supplies were loaded into containers and sent to Lima. With the great help of friends and the inhabitants of Uedelhoven as well as of companies from this area we were able to send up to today 50 huge containers with medical equipment, craftsmen technique and school supplies.

The dispatch of doctors for difficult surgeries and for further education of physicians has to be added. Also a psychotherapist trains teachers and physicians in psychomotorics in three courses a year. In the second year the first German medical students completed their practical training in Hospital del Nino.

All these measures have to be coordinated in Peru, of course. This very important and necessary duty is taken over by unweary and devotional Melva Delgado Vera, Directora of the school for deaf-mute children CPAL in Monterrico. At the moment we are working on connecting schools in Germany and Peru by the medium internet. Young people from different cultures ought to learn from each other and should develop tolerance for each other to help ensuring a future and peace in our world.

The Peru-Aid in Uedelhoven wants to contribute by its actions that all people on this earth is guaranteed a life in dignity, although the way thither is long and stony. With financial support, prayers, courage and complete confidence it is to be done.

Manfred Görgens



 Order bestowed by the Federal Republic of Germany.

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Peru Hilfe
Konto 122 122 122 9
BLZ 370 697 20
VR-Bank Nordeifel eG
IBAN DE92370697201221221229




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