Retrospect of 18 years (1988 - 2006)

1988 - Patronage Festival Saint Mary Ascension in Uedelhoven

An idea was born - to visit Johanna Schröder who was working in St.Ursula in Lima at that time. Up to November 1st 1988 3000 US-Dollar had been collected and one week later had been brought to the school San Jose in the shanty town in Lima.

1990 - Cry for help is heard in the Eifel

The embassy knocked at the door and people from Uedelhoven brought medical equipment to Peru.

Delievery of two containers - a kidney-dialysis station with six machines, other medical technology as well as different hopital requirements.
'Only fifty pfennigs are needed to supply a child properly at the Ursulines's school.'

First contacts with Dr. Adrian Ramirez.

    - chief physician of the intensive care in the children's hospital in Lima
    - studied medical science in Bonn
    - has been an assistence doctor in the general hospital in Mechernich

1992 - Joiner's workshop and metal workshop for Peru

Two containers with different machines are brought to Lima.

A complete joiner's workshop was conveyed by ship to a prison thousand kilometres away from Lima where it is used for the handicraft training of delinquent young men.

 more in projects

1993 - Huge campaign of the Peru-Aid

Hospital ward of a hospital in Leipzig was loaded in Uedelhoven.

The complete interior of a ward of a hospital in Leipzig and an ambulance was loaded.

1993 - Bakery went on trip to South America

How to bake buns and bread for a hospital, a prison and for urban people of Lima.

1994 - School for deaf-mute children

A complete computer inventory and a kitchen for the school for deaf-mute children as well as a van (Volkswagen-transporter).

 more in projects

1995 - Relief supplies for Arequipa in the South and Chidayo in the North

1996 - Five containers with handicraft and medical equipment for Arequipa and the region of Lambayece

1997 - The beginning of heart surgeries by Professor Gerhard Ziemer

Since 1997 he has been visiting the Hospital del Nino and has been doing more than fifty very difficult heart surgeries on childreb so far with great success. With his help two heart-lung machines could be arranged and be conveyed by ship by us.

 more in projects

1998 - Relief supplies for more than twenty projects in Peru

In the year 2000

Distribution of the relief supplies like generators for the production of electricity for 60.000 people in shanty towns and a mobile hospital ward for catastrophies for a village at the Amazon. Professor Dr. Ziemer operates the heart of the 100th child. Milking installation for Villa Asis.Blacksmith's shop for training school in Huaycan.10 000 toys for children in Pamplona

In the year 2001

Start of the new school project for more tolerance. Use of 120 computers in schools and getting in touch with schools in Germany. The change in presidency in Toledo delayed everything for years. Most of the employees in charge were changed and the new employees did not know anything. The chaos was perfect.

UNESCO project in the centre for environmental protection in Nettersheim.
In cooperation with the community of Nettersheim a Peruvian artist and a German artist arranged the stairway of the youth hostel there.

In the year 2002

The third heart-lung machine, a blood-gas analysis machine, high-standard surgery material and hospital requirements are delievered.
25 microports for the deaf-mute school - fifty children have already been equipped. The value of goods was around 100.000 Euro. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ziemer operated on more than 175 children's hearts. The customs authority in Peru made more and more difficulties. Despite considering all formalities and donation certificates the projects are forced to pay rates depending on the value of the charge.

In the year 2003

A journey in the spring brought 20 Toshiba notebooks with modems (2-years-old) to Peru by the KLM. Likewise, a mobile portable repirator for the hospital in Trujillo. The respirator was used for 18-year-old teenager who had been shot at the age of 14 and from then on had been debilitated from the neck downwards. Carlitos was delivered by God these days. He died of pneumonia.

For the next dispatch the stocks are filled: high-standard medical equipment, four respirators, nine pallets with high-standard surgery material and hospital requirements, wheelchairs and sick beds with electric motors. But this dispatch was to be delayed until 2004. Since the new president Tledo has been ruling the country problems with customs duty have not been getting better! The state lets everyone bleed.

In the year 2004

In 2004 some sponsors, Fritz Kirwel with his wife Marga and Franz Josef Junker, flew to Peru with the Peru-Aid for two weeks to visit the projects and to get an idea of the situation there and of the projects to which they had donated. Those two weeks in Peru have been very impressive to all of us and surprisedly close friendships were closed. Sadly, Fritz Kirwel died three months later in 2005. The Peru-Aid has lost a very dear friend.

The school Ollantay in Pamplona becomes a project.

Hans Peter Dentler delievers the first container with around 500 wheelchairs to the Caritas Peru and distributes them throughout the land. A great success and he wants to come back. In the same year the project 'Aula Virtual' of the Primaria unter the guidance of Ana Luiz Bravo starts in the girl's school 'Juana Alareo de Dammert'.

The building of Comedores and the production of gas stoves for individual Barriadas in Pamplona continues.

The first arrangements for the World Youth Day in Germany start.

In the year 2005

The year 2005 stood under the sign of the World Youth Day. 33 pilgrims come to our parish. Visas and the lodging with German families has to be organised.
The two weeks of encounter in August have been an experience for both sides and it followed that teenagers closed friendships which are to be continued through mutual visits. You can say it was a highlight of the Peru-Aid.
Directora Melva Delgado Vera becomes the official agent and coordinator of the Peru-Aid in Peru. She is assisted by Profesora Ana Ruiz Bravo who predominantly looks after the school projects like 'Aula Virtual' and who ties new contacts to schools and their pastoral projects. Beginning of contact with Caritas del Peru National.

Hans Peter Dentler brings the second container with around 1000 wheelchairs to Peru and distributes them.

In the year 2006

In January again a container arrives in Peru after a time of interruption. The handling with the customs duty is dome by the Caritas del Peru National with Dr. Roberto Tarazona and Gustavo Chinco who are very friendly and reliable. A new friendship begins.
The contents of the containers are given to the Hospital del Nino and for the first time to the Hospital Loiyza where Dr. Repeto has become our person of contact who speaks German and even knows Johann Schröder.
Paying a visit to the religious order of Adoratrices and their institutions in Lima and Callao where they look after young prostitutes and their children, who need help and can get practical training if they want to.
A rewarding and important project which is supported by us with money and workshops like computer courses and sewing courses. We visited the parish of Jesus Mendozo who we got to know here at the World Youth Day, and we saw that he administrates an amazing work with 27.000 people and 7 parishes which he has to look after. In addition he is in charge of one school and a soup kitchen which will be the first thing to be modernised. His idea to built a Posta Medica (a small medical service centre) was approved by the diocese of Lima and the Peru-Aid is going to furnish it.
At the meeting with the World Youth Day's pilgrims which were invited by bishop Tomassi these plans these plans had already been discussed.
Our friend Hans Peter Dentler from Karlsruhe brought the third container with wheelchairs to Peru in June. The wheelchairs are distributed throughout the country.

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Collecting Toys Campaign

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